AfTIAS 1.0 Program is a multi-donor, multi-country and multi-agency program, aiming to “foster Arab trade through enhancing enterprise competitiveness and facilitating trade”.
The Program was developed as a response to a request from the World Trade Organisation (WTO) Arab Group in Geneva, which was originally designed to run from 2014-2016, but this was later extended to December 2018.
AfTIAS 1.0 is a partnership of 22 Arab Countries (Members of the League of Arab States “LAS”), five United Nations Agencies along with other four Executing Institutions and seven Donors.
The Program had a US$ 10.5 million budget, including in-kind contributions by the ITFC estimated at about US$ 5 million.
AfTIAS 1.0 is a partnership of 22 Arab Countries (Members of the League of Arab States “LAS”), five United Nations Agencies along with other four Executing Institutions and seven Donors.
The Program was arranged around three outcomes:
Enhance regional competitiveness through Trade policy reform and Trade Support Institution efficiency
Strengthen trade supply side and value chain integration
Strengthen regional and sub-regional organizations’ capacity to foster trade integration
At the end of this phase in 2018, ITFC has commissioned an independent evaluation to assess the effectiveness of the Program and draw lessons learned from its implementation.