
Achievements – AfTIAS 1.0

The 1st Phase of the Aid for Trade Initiative for the Arab States (AfTIAS 1.0)

AfTIAS 1.0 Program was implemented between 2014 and 2018, to support and promote trade among Arab States and with the rest of the world. The Program was also designed to address the challenges the region is facing, where the share of intra-trade remains the lowest compared to other regional groupings in the world.

  • Projects

    28 projects approved for 19 Arab Countries

  • International organizations

    Number of Executing international organizations: 05

  • IsDB Group Entities

    Number of Executing IsDB Group Entities: 02

  • Local Organizations

    Number of Executing local Organizations: 02

  • Agreements signed

    Number of agreements signed under AfTIAS 1.0 Program:53

  • People trained

    Number of people trained within the scope of the implemented projects: more than 1500

  • SMEs targeted

    Number of SMEs targeted by AfTIAS 1.0 Program projects: more than 500